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Online learning: Working with complexity: Managing challenging conversations in practice

  • Sean Collinge
  • 0
  • 1479

Professional communication is rarely straightforward, but some issues – such as breaking bad news and setting boundaries or supporting people in states of emotionally charged states like grief, fear, anger and pain can cause additional concern.

This session addresses ways in which we can communicate with clarity and compassion and offers strategies when communicating with others in situations of complexity.

Speaker bio

Nicky Lambert
Associate Professor & Director of Teaching and Learning, Middlesex University

Nicky Lambert is an Associate Prof and Director of Teaching and Learning Mental Health and Social Work. Nicky is a Senior Teaching Fellow (SFHEA) and has worked across a range of mental health services both in the UK and internationally supporting staff and practice development in acute and mental health trusts, councils, businesses and charities. She is a Trustee for West Hampstead Women’s centre and has a professional Twitter feed: @niadla. She has teaching and research interests in women’s health, physical and mental health, social media and health education

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