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Addiction and personality disorder

  • Simona Mot
  • 0
  • 2230

This webinar will be presented by Cherie Carlton, Lecturer (Practice) in Social Work, Mental Health Social Work & Interprofessional Learning, Middlesex University.

Cherie’s main teaching interests include mental health and addictions, trauma-informed practices, child and family social work, social work theory, skills and readiness for practice and research methods. Her practice background is in adult mental health, addictions and child and family social work. She is a member of an independent fostering panel and continues to undertake independent social work assessments.

Cherie’s research interests include social work with parents whose children have been removed, addictions across the life course, trauma-informed approaches to social work practice (in adults, and children and family settings), pedagogy and service user and carers, learning from the lived experience, vicarious trauma and burnout in social work practice.

BA (Hons) Social Sciences, PG Dip Social Work, PG Cert Personality Disorder, MSc Addiction Studies.

The session will consider:

  • The challenge and stigma attached to diagnosis of personality disorder and addictions
  • Bio-psychosocial perspectives
  • The aetiology of personality disorder and addictions – are they commonalities?
  • What are the dilemmas of engaging populations who attract these diagnosis?
  • How might we approach engaging with individuals who may attract these disorders more effectively?


*This session is open to social workers and staff working in social care across the Teaching Partnership (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington Councils and Norwood).

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