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Report Writing

  • Lisa Green
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  • 1235


The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, to enhance the quality of practice learning opportunities across the partnership, developing and sustaining an anti-racist & anti-oppressive learning environment.
This Training Programme is primarily aimed at qualified Practice Educators, willing to supervise students qualifying for their BA Social Work or MA Social Work during their placements, but open to all professionals involved in a student’s journey on placement. 
Practice educators play a crucial role of public protection by overseeing the safety of a student’s practice on placement, as well as assessing a student’s competence and suitability to progress through their initial training. 
– 07/09/2023: Report Writing – scroll to the bottom of the page to register.
Furthermore, practice educators work to the practice educator professional standards (PEPS), held by the British Association of Social Workers (BASW). You can access the NLSWTP recorded session on ‘Refreshed Practice Education Standards’ delivered by Dr Jennifer Burton, the Chair of BASW Professional Capabilities and Development Group, via the link below. 
BASW  – Refreshed Practice Education Standards


Report Writing


This workshop will provide Practice Educators with an opportunity to ask questions about completing all the reports necessary as part of a student’s placement. These include; direct observation forms, midway reports and the final report. 
The intended learning outcomes of this workshop are:
– To demonstrate how social work skills can be described when writing up a direct observation;
– To demonstrate an understanding of the importance of detailing the student’s progress over the course of their placement in both the midway and final reports;
– To identify areas for a student’s development and create clear action plans in direct observation, midway and final reports;
– To demonstrate analysis of the student’s capabilities linked to the PCFs in all assessment reports.


Faith Weekes is a Lecturer in Social Work and the Placements Lead at Middlesex University and also works independently on private law childcare cases. She is very experienced in working with students at pre- and post-qualifying levels and has particular experience of supporting students with learning needs.



If you are experiencing difficulties registering for this event, please email lisadionne.green@hackney.gov.uk
*This programme is open to those working across the North London Social Work Teaching Partnership (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington Councils and Norwood).*

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